Owning A Dog Could Make You Healthier and Fit
Sixty-eight percent of U.S. households, or about 85 million families, own a pet, according to the 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase your health & fitness.
If you have a dog, it’s easier to find ways to interact and to get in shape. A University of Missouri study found that walking with a puppy leads to a 28 percent increase in walking speed, compared to only a 4 percent increase when walking with a human buddy. You will be able to take the dog on walks at first and then on runs. This will help you both get in shape while giving you time outdoors and time to bond. You might want to spend some time working on making at least an hour of time each day available for you and your dog. You can even break up these times into smaller segments, if necessary, as even small amounts of exercise add up to big returns for the both of you.
Dog owners who walk their dogs regularly have one-third the risk of diabetes than those who don’t own a dog, according to exercise scientist, Cindy Lentino. This statistic highlights the importance of maintaining physical activity levels and controlling stress levels as a means of preventing the occurrence of Type II diabetes, rather than just focusing on diet as the sole root cause.
In Conclusion
There are so many benefits that are known and unknown to owning a dog. Owning a dog can be a big responsibility and should not be taken lightly. I recommend listening to my podcast with veterinarian Dr. Roger Welton of Web-DVM who discusses with me the benefits of ownership and suggests ways to choose the best dog for your lifestyle. Owning a dog is worth it!
Your Health & Fitness Coach,
Steve Jordan