Should You Take A Vitamin D Supplement?

“I heard vitamin D is a good supplement to take. But I’m not quite sure why I should. Can you please give me a good reason why I should add this vitamin to my daily supplement routine?” William
As we age and live busy lifestyles we don’t need different nutrients as much as we may need different dosages to compensate for some of the inevitable age-related changes that happen in our mind and bodies. I researched and came up with several important reasons why, which I will comment on later in this blog. My comments here are not intended to replace medical advise and are only designed to offer insights into the possible benefits of taking dietary supplements. NOTE: If you are unsure if taking supplements is right for you, or if you have an existing medical condition and/or if you are taking medications that could interfere with supplementation, you should ask your healthcare provider or Doctor.
As we age, our skin is less able to synthesize or use Vitamin D and we are spending more time indoors because of the risk of skin cancer from overexposure to the sun. As a result, we may not be getting enough sun exposure to facilitate the synthesis of Vitamin D, leading to a deficiency and causing other challenges including absorption of calcium promoting strong bones. Studies suggest the deficiency of Vitamin D and the poor mineralization of calcium can contribute to osteoporosis in both women and men.
Vitamin D also helps to strengthen your immune system and protects against a number of serious illnesses including hypertension, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and psoriasis. In addition, there is more evidence suggested it’s role in preventing cancers.
Throughout life you should always try to get most f the nutrients you need out of food in a well-balanced diet, but as we get busier and aging doesn’t cease, that may not be as easy as it once was. For these reasons, I would suggest supplementing Vitamin D into your daily intake of vitamins to address the potential deficiencies discussed above.
I recommend reviewing this site to find the best brand that is convenient for you to purchase and fits within your budget.
Yours in health and fitness,
Steve Jordan
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