Exercise Can Help You Beat Headaches

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Don't let headaches hold you back
If you feel like this, go workout to reduce or eliminate your headache.

Today one of my very consistent client’s (6 days a week) client’s came into our health and fitness session with mild, but annoying headache. He was going to cancel and stay at home to “ride it out”. But instead, he put on his sneakers (tip from last post to stay motivated) and came in anyway.

Headaches can be painful, throbbing and frustrating experiences that can cause you lose days in the gym and office. So I reassured my client that I understood what he was experiencing and convinced him that his headache would go away or diminish significantly after our workout. So he agreed to go through with the program I had planned for him today.

Long and behold during the last 5 minutes of our 30 minutes session he said, “You know what?” I said, “What?” Client, “My headache is gone! I can’t believe it. I was in such pain and now there’s nothing. Why?” I told him, “I knew it.” With a smile on my face. 🙂 There are a number of reasons why exercise can help decrease the severity or eliminate headaches all together, but here are 3 reasons to get you moving.

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  1. Exercise can decrease pain experienced during a headache because physical activity can release the body’s feel-good endorphins. These natural painkillers help block the discomfort caused by the stretched nerves and inflammation.
  2. Changing your state which is a tool I use everyday with myself and with client’s,  can get someone out of a any type of emotional or physical condition. You just have to move your body and voice in a way that is out of your comfort zone. For example, “Shake your ASS!” That’s right you heard me, “stand up and shake that ass!” Don’t you feel better?! 🙂
  3. Cardio training within a target heart zone of 65% (220-age x .65) for 15-20 minutes will increase circulation increasing blood flow. Poor circulation has been linked to cause headaches.

Thank you for reading and visiting my site Trainer To The Stars! Please share with your family, friends, neighbors or coworkers if you’ve learned or felt this blog was motivating, inspiring or educational. Your shares and comments will help get the positive message out so together we can help the world shine bright and bolder!  You can learn more about my career and accomplishments at SteveJordan.com.

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