I get asked often what my thoughts are on a cheat day or cheat meal. My response is different depending on the persons goals. It’s hard to give a blanket statement when it comes to eating strategies or workout programs. There are far too many variable to manipulate to say, “This is the way.” It just doesn’t work like that because we all are made of differently with unique experiences, attributes and resources.
Hear is my quick tip on that question for success.
Cheat Day:
- Cheat day should be scheduled for the exact same day of the week.
- Cheat day is for those looking to less than 10lbs
- Don’t over do the cheat day so use moderation with foods that are off your “I Am…Heatlhy and Fit eating program.
- Still practice portion control when your cheating on a meal.
- Cheat days shouldn’t be celebrated or given too much energy. Meaning don’t get excited about that cheat day coming up or the meal your eating.
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Cheat Meal:
- 1-2 cheat meals a week.
- Cheat meals are great for the person looking to lose 10 lbs or more.
- Don’t overeat on your cheat meal.
- Consider making your cheat meals before dinner.
- Again don’t give your cheat meals too much energy. You want to give more energy to the better way of eating so it becomes a new standard.
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