In 2011, Cavin fell 20 feet from a rooftop water tower scaffolding. His head struck a steel beam on the way down before crashing onto the concrete rooftop below. He was immediately rushed to the hospital and put on life support. While in a coma, an MRI revealed a severe diffuse axonal injury (DAI), which is one of the most devastating types of brain injury. Statistically…over 90 percent of patients with this brain injury never regain consciousness, and most of those who do will often remain in a persistent vegetative state.
His recovery journey began after finally waking from a 12-day coma before serious complications arose with the need to induce a second coma. In the following months, he endured severe brain fog, memory loss, breathing problems, in coordination with the left side of my body (my left hand was completely flexed inward), and…he didn’t eat or talk for months.

Following the acute stages of his brain injury, a dense brain fog, limited mobility, and numerous other difficulties persisted he continued to navigate the physical and emotional toll of his new circumstances. At a pivotal moment, he was introduced to functional medicine, which illuminated for him a different way of looking at recovery. As several treatments, exercises, and therapies were implemented…he began to reclaim the mental clarity I had before my injury.
An enormous amount of work and therapy played in his rehabilitation as he worked to regain everyday faculties and relearned how to live.
In this podcast interview Cavin talks about:
The aftermath of his accident and the process of finding the right modalities for the best chance for a full recovery.
How nutrition played a pivotal role in his recovery and the benefits of good nutrition on the brain.
His inspiration for writing his book called Feed A Brain.
The benefits of exercise and nutrition on proper brain function.
Positive habits that optimize brain function.
And so much more.