10 Ways To Stay Healthy And Fit At A Super Bowl Party

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10 Ways To Stay Healthy And Fit At A Super Bowl Party

Have A Happy Super Bowl Sunday with these 10 ways to stay healthy and fit at Super Bowl party!  The most highly anticipated sporting event of the year with more viewership than any other TV programming. The parties are elaborate, the food displays are extensive and the drinks keep coming. I’ve had a lot of fun and often overindulged on this day in Vegas, at private mansion parties in the Hollywood Hills and attended crazy events that have outdone most of the weddings I’ve attended. So I am well aware of the temptations that surround this day that will sideline you on your road to being healthy and fit.

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Here are 10 Ways To Stay Healthy And Fit At A Super Bowl Party that I know will keep you feeling great on Monday morning! Enjoy the game and GO FALCONS!!! (I’m a Giant’s fan, but I typically root for the underdog)

  1. You have to get your mind on board before you arrive at your Super Bowl party. Believe you’re going to remain healthy and fit today!
  2. Get your workout on before the Super Bowl. This gets you to start your day off on the right track.
  3. Drink plenty of water during the day and bring a water bottle to the Super Bowl party to casually drink throughout the game.
  4. Have a hearty, but healthy breakfast so you feel satisfied during the day.  This can keep you feeling good so you don’t overeat.
  5. Write down your intentions to stay healthy and fit today. Writing down goals always makes it more impactful and easier to stay on track.
  6. Attend the party with friends or family who tend to be healthy and fit.
  7. Bring a smoothie to the party so you don’t have to eat crappy food.
  8. Share with the other people at the party your healthy and fit goals. People like to support others who are up to big things.
  9. Show up to the party late. The most exciting parts of football games usually happen in 2nd half. 
  10. Don’t go to the party hungry. Eat before you go so you are not tempted. 

Yours in health and fitness,

Steve Jordan

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