Yuki Bean's Kitchen

Yuki Bean’s Kitchen

Yuki Bean's Kitchen

It is said that behind every great man is a great woman. And behind every fit man is a woman fit in the kitchen. Well, the latter may not be true, but I know my wife Yuki, aka Yuki-Bean, is an outstanding cook. Yuki was born and raised in Yamagata, Japan and at a young age began to admire her mother’s artistic talents in the kitchen.

Sadly, Yuki’s mother passed way too early in 2004. However, one year before her passing, Yuki left her career and committed herself to being with her mother, learning family traditions, which included the style of cooking her mother learned from many generations prior.

Yuki has enriched my life with tastes and food experiences that come from a place of love and passion. So I wanted to include a page on my site to pay homage to Mrs. Kimura and to show my gratitude for all the time, energy and most importantly the love that Yuki puts into my meals to keep me healthy, fit and energetic!

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