
Mark Damon

I am eighty-three years young, and I work with Steve on a regular basis at his studio six days a week for five years. I can say that I’ve never felt better in the past twenty years than I do now. I’ve got consistent energy, I can get through my day with ease and grace, my heart and muscles feel strong.

Movie Producer

Steve thinks about physical training more like an artist than most traditional trainers. He creates a custom program for you taking bits and pieces from many disciplines. He helped me prepare for Malibu Triathlon and for the first time in my triathlon career I placed in my division. The results speak for themselves!

Celebrity Chef

Steve Jordan is really good at what he does. His personal story inspires. His dedication to helping people motivates. And on top of that he’s a nice guy. Working with Steve has made me stronger, more physically confident, and eating healthier. It feels great!

TV Personality
"Cillum ornare elit, occaecati luctus tempor dui vulputate posuere suscipitima lacinia explicabo facilisis qui fringilla reprehenderit consectetur"
John Doe
"Dui vulputate posuere suscipit, dictum eaque, senectus maiores sit, platea minima lacinia explicabo facilisis qui fria rep as minim, sagittis nec!"
Melissa Gibson
"Lpsum cras excepturi faucibus, habitant sapien nam vestibulum osuere nihil cupidatat consectetur! Diam sit? Dolor ulehenderit atque quam pharetra"
Alice Griffin
"Dui vulputate posuere suscipit, dictum eaque, senectus maiores sit, platea minima la rep as libero felis expedita minim, sagittis nec! Voluptate diamlo"
Amanda Wells
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit"
Heather Fowler
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